Monday, September 19, 2016

Toward Simple Language (Verb) Learning

I kind-of finished with the simulation environment (the previous post).
The LU (caretaker) now 'instructs' the LL (language learner) with commands such as 'stay,' 'turn,' 'come,' and 'go to the blue item' (in Interlingua).
"Luca, turn right."
When LL 'follows' the instruction, LU smiles and says "Good" to give a reward.

LU also 'declares' (thinks aloud) its own actions before carrying them out.
"I go to the blue one."

Now I guess I should go for language learning.
Here is a tentative plan:
(For the time being, I'll forget about LU's declaration mode, which requires the recognition of LU's behavior on LL's part.)
  1. The association of LU's words with LL's own actions
    As this should be done at a conceptual level, it requires:
    • Generation of action concepts
    • Generation of word concepts
    LL may carry out three kinds of learning:
    • Reinforcement learning of action under instruction
    • Association between word concepts and action concepts
    • Creating a language (syntactic) model linked with the concepts
  2. Bubbling
    LL will utter based on the language model.
    • If the utterance matches its action, LU repeats it and gives a reward.
      This reinforces the bubbling.
    • If not, LU describes LL's action after saying "No."
      This alters the conceptual association and language model.

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